Preconception Folic Acid Intake among Women of Child Bearing Age in Ozoro, Isoko North Local Government, Delta State, Nigeria
supplementation, Childbearing, Preconception, Awareness, Folic acidAbstract
Background: Folic acid (FA) deficiency is a major public problem among childbearing group women.
Objective: The objective of the study was to assess preconception folic aid supplementation intake among childbearing age women in Isoko North Local Government Council, Delta State, Nigeria.
Method: A cross-sectional design was conducted for the study. Convenience sampling was used to select two hundred and eighty (280) women. A self-administered close-ended questionnaire was used to collect
data. Data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21. Descriptive (frequency and percentage) and inferential (chisquare and multivariate logistic regression regression) statistics. Level of significance was at 0.05.
Result: Majority 192(70.3%) of respondents were aware of folic acid supplement intake before pregnancy. But majority have fair knowledge 134(49%), 35(13%) had good knowledge while 104(38%) have poor
knowledge. A majority 122(45%) of respondents took folic acid, 79(29%) took folic acid and 72(26%) took folic acid. Factors associated with preconception folic acid supplementation intake are tertiary education,
married women and planned pregnancy. Predictors of folic acid supplementation intake are parity and awareness.
Conclusion: Respondents are aware of preconception folic acid supplementation intake but have fair knowledge. Preconception folic acid supplementation intake was fair. The fair knowledge actually translated to fair intake of folic acid supplementation.
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