Bacteriological Profile of Water Sources and Reservoirs in Odo-Ado/ABUAD Community of Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Water, Reservoirs, Bacteriological Profile, Prevalence, Ado-EkitiAbstract
Background: The quest for clean and potable water around the world cannot be over-emphasized. This project aimed at assessing the water quality of water sources and reservoirs in some selected communities in Ado-Ekiti.
Method: Three hundred water samples were collected from different sources using sterile containers. Special care was taken during the collection process to ensure representative samples. All the samples were transported to ABUAD Medical Microbiology laboratory for bacteriological/parasitological analysis.
Result: The results obtained show that 9 (11.25%) of the microorganisms were isolated from Aba-Ebira, 10 (12.50%) from Erinfun, 11 (13.75%) from Odo-Ado and 10 (12.50%) from Ureje respectively. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of microorganisms present in water reservoirs concerning location (X2 = 1.114; p = 0.0582), however, E. coli was more predominated in water reservoirs in Erinfun (5.00%), Klebsiella spp and Salmonella spp were more predominant in Odo-Ado (3.75%), while Salmonella spp alone was more predominant in Ureje (7.50%).
Conclusion: The importance of water to life cannot be undervalued, its significance to ecological sustainability and human existence cannot be underscored, water is vital for many human endeavours and usage. Therefore, health authorities should promote onsite treatment of raw water, and constant information to the public on the potential health risks associated with using untreated water for consumption.
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