Occupational Predictors of Metabolic Profiles in Type 2 Diabetes. A Cross-Sectional Study in Nigeria
Diabetes, occupation, metabolomics, physical activity, atherogenic index of plasma, cardiac risk ratio, kidney function, homocysteineAbstract
Background: The prevalence and burden of type 2 diabetes have continued to rise globally, particularly in developing countries, driven by a growing tendency to a westernized lifestyle characterized by low physical activity and increased fat intake. The study assessed the association of on the metabolic profile of type 2 diabetic patients.
Method: The analysed data included the socio-demographic, anthropometric and clinical findings, and laboratory (metabolites) results of 187 patients with diabetes. Continuous and categorical variables were compared using student’s t-test and Chi square (or Fisher’s exact test) respectively. A p-value <0.05 was statistically significant.
Result: The mean age of the 187 (94 males and 93 females) participants was 57.85 ± 5.17 years. In participants with paid employments, the mean fasting plasma insulin and HOMA were the highest. The unemployed had the lowest levels of triglycerides and LDL-C. the eGFR was highest in the artisans and lowest in the retired population. The smokers had poor glucose control (p = 0.01). The atherogenic index of plasma was higher in poorly controlled diabetes, p=0.04. Smoking (OR-2.58, 95% CI-2.14-5.04, p=0.04) and elevated HOMA (OR-1.9, 95% CI-1.47-4.23, p-0.03), were independently associated with high physical activity.
Conclusion: High physical activity had a beneficial impact on diabetes control. This benefit, coupled with an improved lipid profile, was however overwhelmed by smoking, which increased the levels of atherogenic markers and potentially the risk of cardiovascular disease and events.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ala OA, Uduagbamen PK, Yusuf AO, Bamikefa TA, Odeyemi AO, Adedire A, Soyoye DO, Adeyeye AG, Kolawole B

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