Maternal repercussions of the effect of Chrysophyllum albidum leaf extract on gestational diabetes mellitus rats induced by streptozotocin
Chrysophyllum albidum, diabetic pregnancy, medicinal plant, antioxidant, StreptozotocinAbstract
Background: The study examined the effect of ethanolic leaf extract of Chrysophyllum albidum on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in rats.
Method: 40 female oestrus rats and 20 male rats were caged for pregnancy; 30 pregnancies were recorded (GD1) and randomly divided into 6 groups of 5 rats each. Groups I - V were given 50 mg/kg of Streptozotocin by peritoneal injection to induce diabetes on the fourth day of pregnancy. Seventy-two hours later, fasting blood glucose levels > 200 mg/dl indicated GDM. Groups II, III, and IV received daily oral dosages of 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight of ethanolic leaf extract of Chrysophyllum albidum, respectively from GD7 to GD19, while group V got subcutaneously 0.3 IU/kg body weight of humulin. Group I was the GDM control and group VI was pregnant control. On GD19, blood samples were taken for hematological and biochemical analysis.
Result: Extract groups had blood glucose levels significantly (P ˃ 0.05) improved, with a dose-dependent impact; superoxide dismutase increased, while malondialdehyde decreased. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein were lowered, and high-density lipoprotein was increased. Alkaline phosphatase, aspartate transaminase, and alanine transaminase plasma levels all decreased. Albumin and total protein considerably increased (P˃0.05), whereas creatinine and bilirubin decreased. WBC and monocytes decreased; also, RBC, lymphocytes, and neutrophils were unaffected. Hemoglobin level and Packed Cell Volume both increased, though the increase was not significant.
Conclusion: Study suggests that C. albidum have a protective effect on Streptozotocin-induced gestational diabetes, decreasing oxidative stress markers and diabetic complications.
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