ABO Phenotypes, Rhesus and Kell2 antigens of Blood donors attending University of Calabar Teaching Hospital


  • Etura JE University of Calabar
  • Effiong UI University of Calabar
  • Asemota EA University of Calabar
  • Okoroiwu HU University of Calabar




Rh D, Cellano, Kell 2, Kell antigen, ABO, blood group, Rh antigen


Background: Modern blood transfusion entails the transfusion of compatible blood units from a healthy donor to the recipient (patient). This study was aimed at evaluating rare and high- frequency blood antigens to aid planning in the study location.

Method: Descriptive cross-sectional study with systematic random sampling sample was employed in this study. The samples were analysed using commercially prepared reagents via serological technique (Standard tube agglutination method). The ABO was performed using anti-A, anti-B, and anti-AB reagent while Rh D was performed using anti D monoclonal reagent. KELL 2 (k) was performed using anti-kell reagent.

Result: Out of the 100 blood donors tested, 28 (28%) were KELL 2 (k+) positive while 100 (100%) were positive for Rh D antigen. ABO phenotype O constituted the majority (70%) of the studied subjects while A, B, and AB constituted 15%, 13%, and 2% respectively. The ABO cum Rhesus and blood group were in the order 0+> A+>, B+>, AB+.

Conclusion: KELL 2 antigen was relatively low among the studied subjects, while Rh D antigen was found to be a high-frequency antigen. Blood group O Rh D positive was found to be the most predominant blood group recorded among the studied participants.


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How to Cite

ABO Phenotypes, Rhesus and Kell2 antigens of Blood donors attending University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. (2024). The Nigerian Health Journal, 24(1), 1010-1016. https://doi.org/10.60787/tnhj.v24i1.658

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