A Delphi Protocol for Designing a Culturally Appropriate Intervention for Nigerians with Excess Weight
obesity, overweight, Nigerians, e-DelphiAbstract
Background: Studies have shown exponential increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the low income countries which is influenced by acculturalisation and unhealthy cultural habits and beliefs. The best approach to the prevention and management of overweight and obesity in these low income countries is to come up with interventions that discourage those cultural beliefs and exported habits.
Aim: This study will be carried out to design culturally appropriate intervention for overweight and obesity management in Nigeria.
Methods and analysis: e-Delphi protocol will be used to conduct this study whereby the experts in the management of overweight and obesity will be recruited online and different questions with be mailed to them in each stage of the e-Delphi protocol once their consent is given. Consensus will be reached once there is 65% agreement among the experts on each of the questions. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis will be used to analyse the responses in each of the e-Delphi stages.
Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval for this study has been obtained from the Research and Ethics Committee of Kano State Hospital Management Board (MOH/Off/797/l1/650). The outcome of this study will be published in peer reviewed journals, scientific presentation and a copy will be sent to the Research and Ethics Committee of Kano State Hospital Management Board (MOH/Off/797/l1/650).
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