Mothers' Perception of Fever Management in Children
Mothers Perception, Fever, ChildrenAbstract
Background: Fever is a common problem in childhood. Most febrile episodes are managed at home before consultation in a health facility. Caregivers' response to fever will depend on their perception of its cause and knowledge of its management. This study aimed to evaluate mothers' perceptions of fever and its management in childhood.
Methods: This was a descriptive hospital based study. It involved the distribution of 11 itemed questionnaires on fever and related questions to 151 mothers who brought their children to the Paediatrics outpatient clinic of University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Results: A total of 151 mothers participated with age range 19 years to 54 years with mean of 31.4±5.7SD. One hundred and thirteen (74.8%) defined fever as hotness of the body. Commonest associated symptom with fever was loss of appetite (71.5%). Commonest identified cause of fever was malaria (71 (47%) mothers). 115 (76.2%) mothers measured their children's body temperature by touching their forehead, while 21 (13.9%) used thermometer. Commonest action taken when there was fever was to administer Paracetamol (107 (70.9%)). Commonest identified complication of fever was convulsion (86(67.7%)).
Conclusion: Knowledge of fever is good amongst mothers in Port Harcourt; however there is need to educate them on the use of thermometer and appropriate use of drugs.
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