Ultrasonographic Evaluation Of The Achilles Tendon In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Dual Center Study In Port Harcourt.


  • Deborah Ogechi Umelo Department Of Radiology, Department Of Radiology, University Of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port-Harcourt
  • Enighe Wananyo Ugboma Department Of Radiology, University Of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port-Harcourt
  • Nelson C Nwankwo Department Of Radiology, University Of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port-Harcourt
  • Chidima N Wekhe Department Of Radiology, Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Port-Harcourt, Rivers State




Diabetes mellitus, Achilles tendon thickness, Peripheral neuropathy


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a devastating disease and a major global public health burden.  Ultrasonography is a non-invasive, non-ionizing, reproducible and affordable procedure that can be used to evaluate the Achilles tendon.

Aim and Objectives: This study was aimed at evaluating the Achilles tendon thickness (ATT) in type 2 diabetic patients comparing the findings to their age and sex-matched non-diabetic counterparts. It also tried to establish a relationship, if any, of ATT with peripheral neuropathy, Body Mass Index (BMI) and duration of disease in the study population.

Methodology: This was an analytical cross-sectional study involving 108 adult diabetic participants and 108 non-diabetic control participants. The ATT in both groups were evaluated by ultrasonography. The ATT of the study group was correlated with their peripheral neuropathy score, BMI and duration of disease. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0 software

Resuts: The mean ATT was higher in diabetic subjects compared to the control subjects. The increased thickness of the AT was significantly more in the presence of PN (p=0.0001). The optimal cut-off point of ATT for identifying the risk of PN in the feet of diabetics was determined to be > 5.75mm with an accuracy of 83.3%

Conclusion: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have significantly thicker AT than their age and sex-matched control subjects and the presence of peripheral neuropathy further worsens the ATT. An ATT of > 5.75mm is the optimal cut-off for identifying the risk of PN in the feet of diabetics.


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How to Cite

Ultrasonographic Evaluation Of The Achilles Tendon In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Dual Center Study In Port Harcourt. (2022). The Nigerian Health Journal, 21(4), 228-249. https://doi.org/10.60787/tnhj.v21i4.529

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