Effectiveness of Motivational Counselling on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom- Reduction among Internally Displaced Elderly Persons in Borno State Nigeria


  • Nnodiemele Onuigbo Atulomah
  • Jonathan Musa Dangana Babcock University
  • Motunrayo Florence Olanrewaju
  • Kolawole S Oritogun




Motivational Counselling, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Internal Displacement, Elderly, Symptom-reduction


Background: Displacement is an antecedent to a number of psychosocial and trauma related health situations. Activities of insurgents, have characterized a major cause of displacement, economic hardship, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Aim: This study examined the effect of motivational counselling on post-traumatic stress (PTSD) symptom reduction among internally displaced elderly persons (IDEP) in Borno state, Nigeria.

Methodology:  This study used a quasi-experimental design. A total sample of (N=40) IDEPs were purposively selected from 2 internal displacement camps with each displacement camp comprising 20 participants. The participants were assigned to Motivational Counselling group (MC) and a control group. A pre-tested, validated instrument was adapted to the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics where used to analyze the data (p ˂ 0.05).

Results: Results show that, at baseline, PTSD symptoms between the SR treatment group and control group was (3.50±0.60 and 3.75±0.69) respectively, while post-test values of PTSD symptoms only dropped for the MC treatment group (2.60±0.60) and not for control group (3.75±0.44). More so, at the 13th week follow-up, the SR treatment group, demonstrated higher scores of PTSD symptom-reduction, (83.45±5.77 an aggregate of 15.79%) compared to the control group. Overall mean score of PTSD symptoms reduction, showed changes of value (-15.0 and +0.05) on symptoms reduction in the SR treatment group and control group respectively.

Conclusion: The study concludes that, motivational counselling is effective in PTSD symptom reduction among IDEs. Hence, it is recommended that the governments, incorporate: counselling services in the health facilities operated in IDP, for more effective symptom-reduction.


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Author Biography

  • Jonathan Musa Dangana, Babcock University
    Department of Public Health, Post-Graduate Student
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How to Cite

Effectiveness of Motivational Counselling on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom- Reduction among Internally Displaced Elderly Persons in Borno State Nigeria. (2020). The Nigerian Health Journal, 20(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.60787/tnhj.v20i1.476

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