The Predictors of Blood Transfusion in Obstetric Practice in a Low Resource Economy: An Institutional Study in the Niger Delta, Nigeria


  • Abednigo O Addah Niger Delta University, Amassoma, Bayelsa state, Nigeria.
  • Judith I Ahuze Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital



Obstetric hemorrhage, Blood transfusion, Maternal mortality and morbidity, predictors


Background: Obstetric hemorrhage is a common but preventable cause of maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Safe blood transfusion is an effective panacea to save maternal lives in these circumstances. This study aims to investigate factors associated with blood transfusion amongst parturient at the Niger Delta University Teaching hospital, Okolobiri, Nigeria.

Methods: Data was collected from the medical records of 200 parturient who delivered in the hospital in 2019 in a cross-sectional retrospective study. Demographic information like age, obstetric features like parity, booking status, mode of delivery and data on transfusion was collected using a structured proforma. Univariate analysis was carried out to uncover parity, booking and transfusion status among parturient. Those transfused were categorized as ‘transfused’, otherwise was classified ‘not transfused’. Associated factors with transfusion status were explored in bivariate analysis using Chi-square test. Level of significance was set at p<0.05.

Results: Mean age of parturient was 30.8 ± 6.0 years, while median parity was 1 ranging between 0 and 10. Most of the parturient were booked (61.0%), delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery (79.0%). Eighty-seven women (43.5%) who delivered were transfused with 134 pints of blood in all. Parity (ꭓ2 =10.56; p-0.016), booking status (ꭓ2 =5.56;p-0.018) and mode of delivery (ꭓ2 =12.93;p-0.001) were significantly associated with transfusion among parturient.

Conclusion: There is a higher tendency to transfuse women with parity>4, unbooked women and those delivered by caesarean section. Institutional blood banks should be established and operated in manners that makes blood readily available for high-risk obstetric cases.


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How to Cite

The Predictors of Blood Transfusion in Obstetric Practice in a Low Resource Economy: An Institutional Study in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. (2022). The Nigerian Health Journal, 22(1), 56-65.

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