Rising Reproductivity in Advanced Age: The Internist’s Involvement
Advanced age, Fertility, Internist, ReproductionAbstract
Background: As the world ages, so is there advancement in knowledge, science and technology which has improved the quality of life of individuals, thus leading to an increase in life expectancy in almost all the regions of the world. Reproduction in elderly females is on the rise due to the acceptability of assisted reproductive technology in treatment of infertility. This is likely to result in an increase of interventions by the internist in this age group during pregnancy.
Methods and Materials: Journals, newspaper and magazine publications of case reports of women who were 60 years and above who gave birth to live babies worldwide were analyzed. An internet based search of credible websites was also done to verify information and analysis of various factors were done. It is a retrospective cross sectional study of women aged 60 years and above who had live births worldwide.
Aim: To review the involvement of the internist in the management of advanced age pregnancy and its outcome
Results: There were 60 persons aged 60 years and above gathered from the publications, 96.7% of these patients had assisted reproduction. The commonest age range was 60-64 years. Primary infertility without children between the couple was the cause of seeking in vitro fertilization in 50% of cases. 10% of the pregnancies were associated with medical complications such as diabetes and hypertension. 57.7% of the documented birth weights were low birth weight.
Conclusion: The management of pregnancy of advanced maternal age is multidisciplinary of which the internist plays an important role.
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