A long vermiform appendix in inguinal hernia sac (Amyand Hernia): A case report in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Long Vermiform Appendix, Inguinal Hernia, Amyand Hernia, RSUTH, Port Harcourt, NigeriaAbstract
Background: Early drawings and descriptions of the vermiform appendix had been done by Leonardo Da Vinci and Vesalius and DaCarpi, however, the first known appendicectomy was performed in 1735 by a British Surgeon named Claudius Amyand for a right scrotal hernia containing perforated appendix in its sac. We aim to highlight our experience of Amyand hernia as a case report, to add to existing literature for increased awareness and improved diagnosis.
Case Presentation: A 25year old male who presented with features of a reducible, indirect, complete, right inguinal hernia, and was intraoperatively found to have long vermiform appendix measuring 21cm in the inguinal hernia sac. He had appendicectomy and herniorrhaphy with satisfactory outcome.
Conclusion: A type 2 Amyand hernia was found at elective surgery after emergency room diagnosis of obstructed inguinal hernia in a young male. Scrotal ultrasound scan at the ED could help to improve pre-operative diagnosis in our environment.
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