Indications for Caesarean Section at a Nigerian District Hospital


  • Yvonne Dabota Buowari General Hospital Aliero, Kebbi State



Caesarean Section, Indications, Nigerian Hospital


Background: Caesarean section (CS) is a common surgical procedure performed in women of reproductive age. The numerous indications for a CS may be due to foetal or maternal problems. Though it is a lifesaving procedure, it also carries a higher morbidity and mortality than vagina delivery.

Method: This is a retrospective study conducted from January 2005 to December 2006 at a secondary health facility located in a rural setting in Nigeria. The maternity ward and theatre registers were the sources of data.

Results: There were fourteen indications for the 155- caeserean sections performed with obstructed labour being the highest indication. Obstructed labour, eclampsia and pre-eclampsia were the major indications for caeserean section. There were 4 (2.6%) Maternal deaths and 19(12.2%) stillbirths out of the 156 babies delivered.

Conclusion: Lack of utilization antenatal care services present in the locality and late presentation are some of the risks of maternal mortality and poor foetal outcome. The populace needs to be educated on the importance of antenatal care.


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How to Cite

Indications for Caesarean Section at a Nigerian District Hospital. (2015). The Nigerian Health Journal, 12(2), 43.

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