Socio-Demographic Determinants of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Rural and Urban Communities in Rivers State: An Analytical Comparative Cross-Sectional Survey


  • Adeyemo CU School of Public Health, UNIPORT, Nigeria
  • Nwadiuto AA Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria



Sexual and gender-based violence, social, cultural, Rivers state


Background: Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) is a widespread public health challenge impacting negatively on the victims. This study was aimed at assessing the socio-demographic determinants of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in rural and urban communities in Rivers State.

Method: A total of 746 consenting respondents, 376 rural and 370 urban residents were recruited using a multi-stage sampling technique. Participants were between 15-35 years. Pretested semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire adapted from the WHO Violence against Women Instrument was used. Binary logistic regression was used to assess the determinants of SGBV in rural and urban residents. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.

Results: Respondents were 343(46%) males and 403(54%) females with a mean age of 23.88±6.14 years from 4 communities. Among study respondents who are resident in rural areas, co-habiting respondents showed higher odds of SGBV compared to those single (OR=10.105, p=0.024). The odd of physical violence was less in female than male rural residents (OR=0.518, p=0.006), while the odd of emotional/psychological violence was higher in rural residents who practice traditional religion compared to the Christians (OR=11.797, p=0.020).  Rural residents practicing traditional religion had higher odds of socio-economic violence than Christians (OR=15.265, p=0.009). The odd of sexual violence among female urban residents was less than the odd of sexual violence among male urban residents (OR=0.542, p=0.006). (Table 3).

Conclusion: The socio-demographic determinants of SGBV differ between rural and urban residents, intervention programs should be designed cognizant of differences in socio-demographic determinants between settings.


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How to Cite

Socio-Demographic Determinants of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Rural and Urban Communities in Rivers State: An Analytical Comparative Cross-Sectional Survey. (2023). The Nigerian Health Journal, 23(2), 612-618.

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